by Andre Glucksmann
Mr Ramadan says in short: Glucksmann does not think with its head, it thinks with its race. Nothing very nine relating to me. In the friends of Mr. Ramadan the recurring racial reference to l?origine of Lévy and me circulated, when we denounce the great massacres islamists in Algeria in 1997 (massacres which touched, I point out it, the Moslem civil populations). S?agissant of the war against Saddam Hussein, I leave the care to Tariq Ramadan d?expliquer why 18 governments out of the 25 which account l?Union European divided my opinion on the need d?une intervention. Are they all Jewish? Are they all directed by Jews? Are they all under Jewish influence? Mr Ramadan, who makes mine d?opposer my position concerning the defense of Bosniaques (Moslems), Kosovars (Moslems) and Tchétchènes (Moslems) to that which j?affiche against Saddam Hussein (who killed out of the Moslems with turn of arm), would not so easily owe s?étonner because the mafieux collaborationist of Poutine with Grozny, Kadyrov, posts in his office a photograph of him tightening the hand of Saddam Hussein, as testifies some Patrick de Saint-Exupéry (Jewish obviously) in this cabbage sheet one cannot Jewish any more who s?appelle "the Barber". What is astonishing, this n?est not that Mr Ramadan is anti-semite, but qu?il ose from now on to assert itself like such. And qu?il makes followers. I indeed receive many letters which exhale an anti-semitism bestial, little heard since 1945. And some explain the position of "the band of the Four" (Bruckner, Goupil, Kouchner and Glucksmann) by their (unduly) supposed racial origin... As if the signature of the Jew that I am was contagious and infected my co-signatories.